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What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original.

100th Challenge


I was able to finish the 100 challenge. Not in 100 days, but I’m happy with the result. As well as this, I finished my first full year of advent of code- which I am also proud of.

When I get time, I will clean up the blog, maybe give it a new look at a more compact layout for the challenge, to archive it. I also want to just uplaod my solutions as a git repo.

Anyways, as the 100th challenge I did the hardest of this year’s challenge, wich was day 21. I have to admit, I had to look at the some solutions and it took me a while to figure it out. The proplem seems quite simple superficially, but it’s actually quite complex.


My initial attempt was to use dijkstra’s algorithm, but soon found out that what is an optimal path for the first robot is not optimal for the second robot. I also did a little doodle of the problem for part 1 to raise my creativity.

uuse cached::proc_macro::cached;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::HashMap;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct Pos(i32, i32);

fn main() {
    let input = include_str!("input.txt");

    let mut res = 0u64;
    for line in input.lines() {
        let num = line
        let seq = format!("A{}", line);
        let mut complexity_sum = 0;
        for (a, b) in seq.chars().tuple_windows() {
            complexity_sum += complexity(a, b, 26);

        res += complexity_sum * num;

        println!("{}", complexity_sum);

    println!("{}", res);
fn complexity(from: char, to: char, mut robot_count: i32) -> u64 {
    robot_count -= 1;

    let dir_layout: HashMap<char, Pos> = [
                          ('^', Pos(1, 0)), ('A', Pos(2, 0)),
        ('<', Pos(0, 1)), ('v', Pos(1, 1)), ('>', Pos(2, 1))

    let num_layout: HashMap<char, Pos> = [
        ('7', Pos(0,0)), ('8', Pos(1,0)), ('9', Pos(2,0)),
        ('4', Pos(0,1)), ('5', Pos(1,1)), ('6', Pos(2,1)),
        ('1', Pos(0,2)), ('2', Pos(1,2)), ('3', Pos(2,2)),
                         ('0', Pos(1,3)), ('A', Pos(2,3))

    let layout = if dir_layout.contains_key(&from) && dir_layout.contains_key(&to) {
    } else {

    let start = layout.get(&from).unwrap();
    let end = layout.get(&to).unwrap();

    let dx = end.0 - start.0;
    let dy = end.1 - start.1;
    // Directions to move
    let dx_dir = if dx > 0 { ">" } else { "<" };
    let dy_dir = if dy > 0 { "v" } else { "^" };

    // Create the steps vector
    let mut steps = vec![];
    for _ in 0..dx.abs() {
    for _ in 0..dy.abs() {

    let mut paths = vec![];
    let mut stack = vec![(vec![], steps.clone())];

    while let Some((mut current_path, remaining_steps)) = stack.pop() {
        if remaining_steps.is_empty() {
            current_path.push("A"); // Add termination symbol
        } else {
            for i in 0..remaining_steps.len() {
                let mut next_path = current_path.clone();

                let mut next_steps = remaining_steps.clone();

                stack.push((next_path, next_steps));

    paths = paths
        .map(|path| {
            let mut current_pos = *start;
            let mut valid = true;

            for c in path.chars() {
                println!(" pos {:?} c {}", current_pos, c);
                match c {
                    '^' => current_pos.1 -= 1,
                    'v' => current_pos.1 += 1,
                    '<' => current_pos.0 -= 1,
                    '>' => current_pos.0 += 1,
                    _ => (),
                if !layout.values().any(|&pos| pos == current_pos) {
                    println!("invalid pos {:?}", current_pos);
                    valid = false;
            (valid, path)
        .filter(|(valid, _)| *valid)
        .map(|(_, path)| path.clone())

    if dx == 0 && dy == 0 {

    if robot_count > 0 {
        return paths
            .map(|path| {
                // prepend 'A' to the path
                let path = format!("A{}", path);
                    .map(|(a, b)| complexity(a, b, robot_count))
            .expect("Problem finding min");
        .map(|path| path.len() as u64)
        .expect("Problem finding min")