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What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original.

65th Challenge


Solve today’s AOC challange.🎅🦀

Solution :white_check_mark:

Here’s my solution

     use std::collections::{HashSet};
    use itertools::{Itertools};

    fn main() {

        let answer:u64 = include_str!("../input.txt").lines()
        println!("solution 1: {}", answer);

        let answer:u64 = include_str!("../input.txt").lines()

        println!("solution 2: {}", answer);

    fn  find_badge_of_group(group:(&str,&str,&str))-> u8 {
        let e1 : HashSet<char> = group.0.chars().collect();
        let e2 : HashSet<char> = group.1.chars().collect();
        let e3 : HashSet<char> = group.2.chars().collect();
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no intersection found"))
            as u8
    fn find_only_uniqe_item_in_rucksack(rucksack:&str) -> u8 {

        let left_compartment:HashSet<char> = rucksack[..(rucksack.len()-1)/2+1].chars().collect();
        let right_compartment:HashSet<char> = rucksack[(rucksack.len()-1)/2+1..].chars().collect();
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("No unique item found in rucksack: {}", rucksack))
                        as u8

    fn get_priority_of_item(item:u8) -> u64{
        match item {
            x if item >= b'A' && item <= b'Z' => (x - b'A' + 27).into(),
            x if item >= b'a' && item <= b'z' => (x - b'a' + 1).into(),
            _ => panic!("Invalid item")


    mod tests {

        use super::*;

        fn test_that_if_single_item_found_in_both_compoartents_correctly_found() {
            let test_input:Vec<(&str,u8)> = vec![
            let _ = test_input.iter()

        fn test_priority_calc_of_item() {
            let test_input:Vec<(u8,u64)> = vec![
            let _ = test_input.iter()
