Table of content

What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original.

90th Challenge


Today I did day15. advent of code. Part one was a breeze, part two.. not so much.


use std::{collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, hash::Hash};

const WALL: char = '#';
const BOX: char = 'O';
const ROBOT: char = '@';
const EMPTY: char = '.';
const UP: char = '^';
const DOWN: char = 'v';
const LEFT: char = '<';
const RIGHT: char = '>';

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Pos(i32, i32);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Move(i32, i32);
struct Warehouse {
    legal: Vec<Pos>,
    walls: HashSet<Pos>,
    boxes: HashSet<Pos>,
    robot: Pos,
    moves: Vec<Move>,
    moves_index: usize,

impl Warehouse {
    fn move_robot(&mut self) {
        let Pos(x, y) = self.robot;
        let Move(dx, dy) = self.moves[self.moves_index];
        let new_pos = Pos(x + dx, y + dy);
        if {
            // is there a wall? if so, don't move
            if self.walls.contains(&new_pos) {
                println!("there is a wall at {:?}", new_pos);
            } else {
                // is there a box?
                if self.boxes.contains(&new_pos) {
                    // how many steps until no box
                    let mut look_ahead = new_pos;
                    let mut object = EMPTY;
                    while {
                        look_ahead = Pos(look_ahead.0 + dx, look_ahead.1 + dy);
                        if self.walls.contains(&look_ahead) {
                            object = WALL;
                        if self.boxes.contains(&look_ahead) {
                            object = BOX;
                            object = EMPTY;
                    if object == EMPTY {
                        // move the box at the first to + 1 of the last

                        self.robot = new_pos;
                } else {
                    // no box, move the robot
                    self.robot = new_pos;
        self.moves_index += 1;

    fn robot_finished(&self) -> bool {
        self.moves_index == self.moves.len()

    fn print(&self) {
        let mut previous_y = 0;
        for Pos(x, y) in {
            if previous_y != *y {
                previous_y = *y;
            if self.walls.contains(&Pos(*x, *y)) {
                print!("{}", WALL);
            } else if self.boxes.contains(&Pos(*x, *y)) {
                print!("{}", BOX);
            } else if self.robot == Pos(*x, *y) {
                print!("{}", ROBOT);
            } else {
                print!("{}", EMPTY);

fn main() {
    let input = include_str!("input.txt");

    let mut input = input.split("\n\n");

    let mut x = 0;
    let mut y = 0;
    let mut warehouse_map =
        Warehouse {
            walls: HashSet::new(),
            boxes: HashSet::new(),
            robot: Pos(0, 0),
            moves: Vec::new(),
            moves_index: 0,
            legal: Vec::new(),
        |mut warehouse, line| {
            for c in line.chars() {
                match c {
                    WALL => {
                        warehouse.walls.insert(Pos(x, y));
                    BOX => {
                        warehouse.boxes.insert(Pos(x, y));
                    ROBOT => {
                        warehouse.robot = Pos(x, y);
                    _ => {}
      , y));
                x += 1;
            y += 1;
            x = 0;
    );|line| {
        line.chars().for_each(|c| match c {
            UP => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(0, -1)),
            DOWN => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(0, 1)),
            LEFT => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(-1, 0)),
            RIGHT => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(1, 0)),
            _ => {}

    println!("{:?}", warehouse_map);
    while !warehouse_map.robot_finished() {

    let sol1 = warehouse_map.boxes.into_iter().fold(0, |acc, Pos(x, y)| {
        acc + x + y*100

    println!("Solution 1: {}", sol1);


use std::{
    collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, hash::Hash, process::exit, thread, time::Duration, vec

const WALL: char = '#';
const BOX: char = 'O';
const ROBOT: char = '@';
const EMPTY: char = '.';
const UP: char = '^';
const DOWN: char = 'v';
const LEFT: char = '<';
const RIGHT: char = '>';
const BIG_BOX_LEFT: char = '[';
const BIG_BOX_RIGHT: char = ']';

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Pos(i32, i32);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Move(i32, i32);
struct Warehouse {
    legal: Vec<Pos>,
    walls: HashSet<Pos>,
    boxes: HashSet<Pos>,
    robot: Pos,
    moves: Vec<Move>,
    moves_index: usize,

impl Warehouse {
    fn move_robot(&mut self) {
        let Pos(x, y) = self.robot;
        let d = self.moves[self.moves_index];
        let new_pos = Pos(x + d.0, y + d.1);
        if {
            if self.walls.contains(&new_pos) {
            } else {
                if !self.is_occupied_by_box(new_pos) {
                    self.robot = new_pos;
                } else {
                    if self.push_box(d, new_pos) {
                        self.robot = new_pos;
        self.moves_index += 1;

    fn robot_finished(&self) -> bool {
        self.moves_index == self.moves.len()

    fn print(&self) {
        let mut previous_y = 0;
        let mut skip_next = false;
        for Pos(x, y) in {
            if previous_y != *y {
                previous_y = *y;
            if skip_next {
                skip_next = false;
            if self.walls.contains(&Pos(*x, *y)) {
                print!("{}", WALL);
            } else if self.boxes.contains(&Pos(*x, *y)) {
                print!("{}", BIG_BOX_LEFT);
                print!("{}", BIG_BOX_RIGHT);
                skip_next = true;
            } else if self.robot == Pos(*x, *y) {
                print!("{}", ROBOT);
            } else {
                print!("{}", EMPTY);

    fn push_box(&mut self, next_move: Move, pos: Pos) -> bool {
        let is_horizontal_push = next_move.0 != 0;

        if is_horizontal_push {
            self.push_box_horizontal(pos, next_move)
        } else {
            self.push_box_vertical(pos, next_move)

    fn push_box_horizontal(&mut self, mut pos: Pos, next_move: Move) -> bool {
        let boxes = self
            .map(|Pos(x, y)| vec![Pos(*x, *y), Pos(*x + 1, *y)])

        let mut box_cluster = vec![];
        while boxes.contains(&pos) {
            pos = Pos(pos.0+ next_move.0, pos.1);

        if self.walls.contains(&pos) {
            return false;

        let box_cluster = box_cluster.iter().filter(|p| self.boxes.contains(p)).map(|x| *x).collect::<Vec<Pos>>();

        for pos in box_cluster.iter() {
        for pos in box_cluster.iter() {
            self.boxes.insert(Pos(pos.0 + next_move.0, pos.1));


    fn push_box_vertical(&mut self, pos: Pos, next_move: Move) -> bool {
        // get the box we need to push
        let box_to_push = self
            .find(|Pos(x, y)| (*x == pos.0 || (*x + 1) == pos.0) && *y == pos.1)

        let cluster = self.get_box_cluster(box_to_push, next_move);
        if self.is_box_cluster_moveable(&cluster, next_move) {
            self.move_cluster(&cluster, next_move);
            return true;
        return false;

    fn is_occupied_by_box(&self, pos: Pos) -> bool {
            .any(|p| (*p == pos || Pos(p.0 + 1, p.1) == pos))

    fn is_a_left_box(&self, pos: Pos) -> bool {
        self.boxes.iter().any(|p| *p == pos)

    fn get_box_cluster(&self, pos: Pos, mov: Move) -> Vec<Pos> {
        // check its really a box
        if !self.is_occupied_by_box(pos) || self.walls.contains(&pos) || !
            return vec![];

        let mut offset_in_x = 0;
        if !self.is_a_left_box(pos) {
            offset_in_x = -1;
        let mut out = vec![Pos(pos.0 + offset_in_x, pos.1)];

        for i in 0..3 {
            let new_pos = Pos(pos.0 + offset_in_x + i - 1, pos.1 + mov.1);
            if self.boxes.contains(&new_pos) {
                out.extend(self.get_box_cluster(new_pos, mov));

    fn is_box_cluster_moveable(&self, cluster: &Vec<Pos>, mov: Move) -> bool {
        let mut out = true;
        let none_cluster_boxes = self
            .filter(|p| !cluster.contains(p))
            .map(|x| *x)
        for pos in cluster {
            for i in 0..2 {
                let new_pos = Pos(pos.0 + mov.0 + i, pos.1 + mov.1);
                if self.walls.contains(&new_pos) || none_cluster_boxes.contains(&new_pos) {
                    out = false;


    fn move_cluster(&mut self, cluster: &Vec<Pos>, mov: Move) {
        for pos in cluster {
        for pos in cluster {
            let new_pos = Pos(pos.0 + mov.0, pos.1 + mov.1);

    fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
        let mut input = input.split("\n\n");

        let mut x = 0;
        let mut y = 0;
        let mut warehouse_map =
            Warehouse {
                walls: HashSet::new(),
                boxes: HashSet::new(),
                robot: Pos(0, 0),
                moves: Vec::new(),
                moves_index: 0,
                legal: Vec::new(),
            |mut warehouse, line| {
                for c in line.chars() {
                    match c {
                        WALL => {
                            warehouse.walls.insert(Pos(x, y));
                            warehouse.walls.insert(Pos(x + 1, y));
                        BOX => {
                            warehouse.boxes.insert(Pos(x, y));
                        ROBOT => {
                            warehouse.robot = Pos(x, y);
                        _ => {}
          , y));
           + 1, y));
                    x += 2;
                y += 1;
                x = 0;
        );|line| {
            line.chars().for_each(|c| match c {
                UP => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(0, -1)),
                DOWN => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(0, 1)),
                LEFT => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(-1, 0)),
                RIGHT => warehouse_map.moves.push(Move(1, 0)),
                _ => {}


fn main() {
    let input = include_str!("input.txt");

    let mut warehouse_map = Warehouse::from(input);

    while !warehouse_map.robot_finished() {


    let sol1 = warehouse_map
        .fold(0, |acc, Pos(x, y)| {
            acc + y*100 + x

    println!("Solution 2: {}", sol1);
