Rust challenge 75/100 - aoc 2022 day13
Table of content
What is this
The rules of the game are explained in my original.
75th Challenge
I’m even more behind but still going - so here goes day 13 of AoC🎅🦀
I used a recursive descent parser with the following grammar:
<list> ::= "[" <items> "]"
<items> ::= <element> | <element> "," <items>
<element> ::= <integer> | <list>
<integer> ::= [0-9]*
fn main() {
let input = include_str!("../input.txt").split("\n\n").enumerate();
let k:usize =|(i, group)| {
let group_number = i+1;
let left = group.split("\n").next().unwrap();
let right = group.split("\n").last().unwrap();
(group_number, compare(left, right))
}).filter(|(_, x)| *x)
.map(|(i, _)| i)
println!("{}", k);
let mut x = include_str!("../input.txt").lines().filter(|x| !x.eq(&"")).map(str::trim).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
x.append(&mut vec!["[[2]]"]);
x.append(&mut vec!["[[6]]"]);
let mut x = x.iter()
.map(|x| parse_list(x))
.map(|x| x.ok().unwrap().0)
let a = parse_list("[[2]]").ok().unwrap().0;
let b = parse_list("[[6]]").ok().unwrap().0;
let a = x.iter().position(|x| x.eq(&a)).unwrap();
let b = x.iter().position(|x| x.eq(&b)).unwrap();
println!("{}", (a+1)*(b+1));
struct List {
items: Vec<Element>,
enum Element {
impl PartialEq for Element {
fn eq(&self, other: &Element) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&Element::Integer(ref a), &Element::Integer(ref b)) => a == b,
(&Element::List(ref a), &Element::List(ref b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
impl PartialEq for List {
fn eq(&self, other: &List) -> bool {
self.items == other.items
impl PartialOrd for List {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &List) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl PartialOrd for Element {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Element) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
match (self, other) {
(&Element::Integer(ref a), &Element::Integer(ref b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(&Element::List(ref a), &Element::List(ref b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(&Element::List(ref a), &Element::Integer(ref b)) => a.partial_cmp(&Box::new(List { items: vec![Element::Integer(*b)] })),
(&Element::Integer(ref a), &Element::List(ref b)) => Box::new(List { items: vec![Element::Integer(*a)] }).partial_cmp(b),
fn parse_list(input: &str) -> Result<(List, &str), &str> {
let mut items = vec![];
let mut input = input.trim_start();
if !input.starts_with("[") {
return Err("Expected '[' at start of list");
input = &input[1..];
while !input.starts_with("]") {
let (item, rest) = parse_element(input)?;
input = rest.trim_start();
if input.starts_with(",") {
input = &input[1..];
input = &input[1..];
Ok((List { items }, input))
fn parse_element(input: &str) -> Result<(Element, &str), &str> {
if input.starts_with("[") {
parse_list(input).map(|(list, rest)| (Element::List(Box::new(list)), rest))
} else {
fn parse_integer(input: &str) -> Result<(Element, &str), &str> {
let mut end = 0;
while end < input.len() && input.as_bytes()[end] >= b'0' && input.as_bytes()[end] <= b'9' {
end += 1;
let (integer_str, rest) = input.split_at(end);
let integer = integer_str.parse::<i64>().map_err(|_| "Expected integer")?;
Ok((Element::Integer(integer), rest))
fn compare(left: &str, right: &str) -> bool {
let left = parse_list(left);
let right = parse_list(right);
match (left, right) {
(Ok((left, _)), Ok((right, _))) => left < right,
_ => false,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test1() {
test("[1,1,3,1,1]", "[1,1,5,1,1]", true);
fn test2() {
test("[[1],[2,3,4]]", "[[1],4]", true);
fn test3() {
test("[9]", "[[8,7,6]]", false);
fn test4() {
test("[[4,4],4,4]", "[[4,4],4,4,4]", true);
fn test5() {
test("[7,7,7,7]", "[7,7,7]", false);
fn test6() {
test("[]", "[3]", true);
fn test7() {
test("[[[]]]", "[[]]", false);
fn test8() {
test("[1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,7]]]],8,9]", "[1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,0]]]],8,9]", false);
fn test(input: &str, output: &str, expected_result: bool) {
let input = input.to_string();
let output = output.to_string();
let result = compare(&input, &output);
assert_eq!(result, expected_result, "input: {}, Output: {}", input, output);