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What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original.

67th Challenge


Solve today’s AOC challange.🎅🦀

Solution :white_check_mark:

Here’s my solution, today was really easy in my opinion :)

      use std::collections::HashMap;

    use itertools::Itertools;

    fn main() {

        let mut x = HashMap::new();
        let x = include_str!("../input.txt").lines()
            .fold(&mut x, | acc, line| {
                match line.chars().nth(0) {
                    Some('m') => move_crates(acc, line),
                    _ => init_crates(acc, line),

        let mut res = String::new();
        for k in 1..x.len()+1 {
            let v = x.get(&(k as u64)).unwrap();

        println!("{}", res);

    fn init_crates<'a>(stacks: &'a mut HashMap<u64,Vec<char>>, input:&str) -> &'a mut HashMap<u64,Vec<char>> {

        let input = format!("{} ", input);
        let x = input.chars()
             .tuples().map(|(_,b,_,_)| b)
             .filter(|(_,c)| *c != ' ' && c.is_alphabetic())
             .fold(stacks, |acc, (i, b)| {
                    acc.entry((i+1) as u64).or_insert(vec![]).insert(0, b);

    fn move_crates<'a>(stacks: &'a mut HashMap<u64,Vec<char>>, input:&str) -> &'a mut HashMap<u64,Vec<char>> {
        let x=input.split(" ")
                .filter(|x| x.parse::<u64>().is_ok())
                .map(|x| x.parse::<u64>().unwrap())

        let (number, origin, destination) = (x[0], x[1], x[2]);

        let crates = stacks.get_mut(&origin).unwrap();
        let mut crates = crates.split_off(crates.len()-number as usize);
        // comment out this line for second answer with crate mover 9001
        stacks.get_mut(&destination).unwrap().append(& mut crates);


    mod tests {
        use std::collections::HashMap;

        fn test_init_crates() {

            let tests = [
                ("            [F] [C] [H] [F] [W] [P]\n"
                ("[F] [C] [H] [F] [W] [P]\n"
                ("    [C] [H] [F] [W] [P]\n"
                (" 1   2   3 \n"
            for test in tests {
                assert_eq!(super::init_crates(&mut HashMap::new(),test.0), &test.1);

        fn test_move_crates() {

            let test = vec![
                    (HashMap::from([(1,vec!['Z','N','D']),(2,vec!['M','C']), (3,vec!['P'])],),"move 1 from 1 to 2"),
                    (HashMap::from([(1,vec![]),(2,vec!['M','C']), (3,vec![])],),"move 2 from 2 to 1"),

            for mut test in test {
                assert_eq!(super::move_crates(& mut test.0.0, test.0.1), &test.1);
