Rust challenge 32/100 - advent of code 2021 day 2 part 1 & 2
Table of content
What is this
The rules of the game are explained in my original post.
32nd Challenge
Today I’m solving today’s AoC day 2 2021. Only got around to doing this
after work .
It has become a bit verbose, but its quite readable, here goes.
fn main() {
let parsed_input:Vec<(&str, i32)> = INPUT.lines()
.map(|x|{x.split_once(" ").unwrap()})
let mut pos = Position{ x: 0, y: 0 };
pos.y += parsed_input.iter()
.filter(|x|{x.0 == "up"})
.fold(0,|acc, c| { acc + c.1 });
pos.y -= parsed_input.iter()
.filter(|x|{x.0 == "down"})
.fold(0,|acc, c| { acc + c.1 });
pos.x += parsed_input.iter()
.filter(|x|{x.0 == "forward"})
.fold(0,|acc, c| { acc + c.1 });
let aim_delta:Vec<i32> = parsed_input.iter()
.map(|x| { match x.0 {
"up" => -x.1,
"down" => x.1,
_ => 0
let out:Vec<i32> = parsed_input.iter()
.map(|x|{ match x.0 {
"forward" => x.1,
_ => 0
let pos = out.iter()
.fold((0,Position{x:0,y:0}),|mut acc, x|{
acc.1.x += x.0;
acc.1.y += acc.0*x.0;
acc.0 -= x.1;
struct Position{
impl Position{
fn print(&self){
println!(" x = {} , y = {}, depth = {}, x * depth = {}",self.x,self.y,-self.y,-self.x*self.y);
const INPUT:&str = "forward 5
down 5
forward 8
up 3
down 8
forward 2";
To see the full source see github and see the live demo in playground.
My favorite solution can be seen by clicking here.