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What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original.

73rd Challenge


Solve today’s AOC challange.🎅🦀

Solution :white_check_mark:

Here’s my solution for part two, the part two is very similar but the modulo operation is removed and a constant division by three is present. I’m not going to generalize the answer, as I don’t see much point in it.

     use std::fmt;

    const NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS: u64 = 10000;

    fn main() {
        let mut monkeys = include_str!("../input.txt").split("Monkey")
            .filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
            .map(|x| {
                let mut monkey = Monkey{
                    item_worry: vec![],
                    operation: Box::new(|x| x),
                    test: 0,
                    action_on_fail: 0,
                    action_on_success: 0,
                    inspection_count: 0,
        let factor = monkeys.iter().map(|x| x.test).product::<u64>();

        for _ in 0..NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS {
            for x in 0..monkeys.len() {
                let throw = monkeys[x].throw();
                for (action, item_worry) in throw {

        let mut res = monkeys.iter()
                           .map(|x| x.inspection_count)




    struct Monkey <'a>{
        item_worry: Vec<u64>,
        operation:Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> u64 + 'a>,
        test: u64,
        action_on_fail: u64,
        action_on_success: u64,
        inspection_count: u64,

    impl PartialEq for Monkey<'_> {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            self.item_worry == other.item_worry
                && self.test == other.test
                && self.action_on_fail == other.action_on_fail
                && self.action_on_success == other.action_on_success

        fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

    impl fmt::Debug for Monkey<'_> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                .field("item_worry", &self.item_worry)
                .field("test", &self.test)
                .field("action_on_fail", &self.action_on_fail)
                .field("action_on_success", &self.action_on_success)

    impl <'a>Monkey<'a>{
        fn parse_monkey(&mut self,input:&'a str) {

            let mut lines = input.lines();

            self.item_worry =
                .map(|x| x.trim().parse::<u64>().unwrap())

            let operation =
            self.test =
                            .split(" ")
             self.operation = match operation.chars().next().unwrap() {
                '*' => {
                    if operation.len() == 1 {
                        Box::new(move |x| (x*x))
                    } else {
                        let n = operation[2..].parse::<u64>().unwrap();
                        Box::new(move |x| (x*n))

                '+' => 
                        if let Some(n) = operation[2..].parse::<u64>().ok() {
                            Box::new(move |x| x+n)
                            panic!("Invalid operation");

                _ => panic!("Invalid operation"),

            self.action_on_success =
                            .split(" ")

            self.action_on_fail =
                            .split(" ")

        // create new inspect method
        fn inspect(& mut self,factor:u64) {
            self.item_worry.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
                *x = (self.operation)(*x);
                *x = *x % factor;
                self.inspection_count += 1;

        fn throw(& mut self) -> Vec<(usize,u64)> {
            let mut result = vec![];
            while !self.item_worry.is_empty() {
                let item_worry = self.item_worry.remove(0);
                if item_worry % self.test == 0 {
                    result.push((self.action_on_success as usize,item_worry))
                    result.push((self.action_on_fail as usize,item_worry))

        fn add_worry(&mut self, item_worry:u64){


    mod tests {
        use super::*;

        fn test_parse_monkeys() {
            let expected_monkeys = vec![
                Monkey {
                    item_worry: vec![79, 98],
                    operation: Box::new(|x| x * 19),
                    test: 23,
                    action_on_fail: 2,
                    action_on_success: 3,
                    inspection_count: 0,
                Monkey {
                    item_worry: vec![54, 65, 75, 74],
                    operation: Box::new(|x| x + 1),
                    test: 19,
                    action_on_fail: 2,
                    action_on_success: 0,
                    inspection_count: 0,
                Monkey {
                    item_worry: vec![79, 60, 97],
                    operation: Box::new(|x| x * x),
                    test: 13,
                    action_on_fail: 1,
                    action_on_success: 3,
                    inspection_count: 0,
                Monkey {
                    item_worry: vec![74],
                    operation: Box::new(|x| x + 3),
                    test: 17,
                    action_on_fail: 0,
                    action_on_success: 1,

        fn test_parse_monkey() {
            let expected_monkey = Monkey {
                item_worry: vec![79, 98],
                operation: Box::new(|x| x * 19),
                test: 23,
                action_on_fail: 2,
                action_on_success: 3,
                inspection_count: 0,
            let mut monkey = Monkey{
                item_worry: vec![],
                operation: Box::new(|x| x),
                test: 0,
                action_on_fail: 0,
                action_on_success: 0,
                inspection_count: 0,

            monkey.parse_monkey("Monkey 0:
            Starting items: 79, 98
            Operation: new = old * 19
            Test: divisible by 23
              If true: throw to monkey 2
              If false: throw to monkey 3
