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What is this :grey_question:

The rules of the game are explained in my original post.

48th Challenge


Learn to use neovim to as an alternative IDE as opposed to Intellj. I have been teaching myself VIM and have sen lots of examples of developers using vim to program rust.

Solution :white_check_mark:

I chose to try this myself with the following setup: (1) Use Neovim (2) Use for settingn my config file for rust

    fn main() {
        let ans1: i32 = INPUT
            .map(|x| match x {
                '(' => 1,
                ')' => -1,
                _ => 0,

        println!("{}", ans1);

        let ans2 = INPUT
            .fold((-1i32, 0i32), |mut acc, inst| {
                match inst.1 {
                    '(' => acc.1 = acc.1 as i32 + 1,
                    ')' => acc.1 = acc.1 as i32 - 1,
                    _ => {}
                if acc.1 < 0 && acc.0 == -1 {
                    acc.0 = inst.0 as i32 + 1

        println!("{}", ans2);

    const INPUT:&str=

See github for today’s simple snippet.